Over the years, our team has perfected his TG surgical techniques, delivering exceptional results that restore confidence and boost self-image. Viewing our extensive library of before and after photographs can be helpful in envisioning your transition, as can the use of our advanced 3D imaging software.

Man with facial hair

Top surgery

Also called transgender mastectomy, top surgery involves reshaping the upper torso for a smoother, flatter chest. It is ideal for clients over 18 who are within a normal body weight for their frame, are non-smokers, and who have already begun hormone therapy.

Our team of surgeons are committed to placing incisions where they are least noticeable, and to minimizing discomfort and post-op pain as much as possible. In addition, they work hard to preserve nipple sensation and sensitivity after surgery.

Incisions will be made either:

  • at the areola, where they are hidden in the darker pigmentation of the nipple area
  • at the armpits, where they are hidden from view, and where they can provide access for liposuction through cannulas
  • at the areola and continuing down to the breast crease in an anchor shape, a technique used in cases where there is abundant breast tissue, fat and skin to be excised


Even with hormone therapy, the body may still appear somewhat feminine, causing frustration and embarrassment. Clients may attempt to amend trouble zones with diet and/or exercise, but these methods are rarely effective on their own in dramatically reshaping the torso.

Liposuction can be a lifeline for FTM clients, producing contours that are sleeker, slimmer and overall more masculine. It is an especially productive technique to use on the hips, thighs, arms belly and buttocks, which tend to be the most ‘womanly’ or curvaceous areas in need of transformation. our team may also choose to employ SculpSure or Smart Lipo in order to achieve a comprehensive shift towards a more male silhouette.

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