Instead of stretching the facial skin (like a facelift does), a liquid lift replenishes facial volume in areas that have become hollow-looking or sallow with age. Our team of skilled San Francisco plastic surgeons are then able to create natural-looking results that look subtly beautiful.

Liquid Lift Candidates

Candidates for liquid lift have lost volume and suppleness in the face as a result of the natural aging process. They may also have sagging in the eyelids, chin or cheeks, hollowing underneath the eyes or cheek area, fine lines and general loss of elasticity and definition in the face.

The best liquid lift candidates have mild to moderate signs of aging. Those with more advanced signs of aging may be better suited for a full facelift.

How is a Liquid Lift Performed?

A liquid lift incorporates BOTOX and dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Radiesse and Perlane. It may also involve a fat transfer. Depending on the goal of the particular case, the application of these products and the specific techniques used varies by patient.

  • Dermal fillers add volume to areas of the face such as the under-eye area, the lips and the cheeks. Our team injects the dermal fillers at specific points to improve the overall appearance of the face.
  • BOTOX smoothes lines and creases caused by years of facial muscle movement by paralyzing strategic muscles around the eyes, eyebrows and forehead.
  • Fat transfer involves harvesting the patient’s fat from a donor area of the body where it is more plentiful (e.g., the abdomen, hips or thighs) and injecting it into the face to add volume. Our team uses the fat to smooth deep-set wrinkles, enhance thin lips or augment the tissues in the cheeks or chin. Fat transfer is a great option because it is completely natural, and the results last a very long time. Also, there is no risk of allergic reaction.

Recovering from a Liquid Lift

Recovering from a liquid facelift is a much shorter experience than recovering from a traditional facelift; in fact, there is little downtime. Liquid facelift patients do not have to concern themselves with incisions, sutures or stitches. Patients are generally able to return to work and their normal routine quickly. If BOTOX injections were included in the liquid lift treatment plan, it’s best to avoid rubbing or massaging the treatment area right after the lift, as that can cause the BOTOX to migrate and potentially cause complications. Other than that, the recovery is usually complication-free.

Alternative Options

Dr. Liu and his team are leading plastic surgery San Francisco providers. With many years of experience treating facial rejuvenation patients with surgical and non-surgical procedures, including rhinoplasty, brow lift and eyelid lift in San Francisco. Our team is also an experienced Madonna Lift provider.

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