What is DAXXIFY?

DAXXIFY is a clinically proven treatment for patients who want to smooth wrinkles or prevent them from appearing. This safe, FDA-approved injectable temporarily relaxes the muscles that hold wrinkles in place, smoothing the skin and reversing wrinkles and fine lines. DAXXIFY works in the same way as BOTOX and other neuromodulators do. 

DAXXIFY is a safe, low dose of a botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin is a purified protein that is a temporary relaxant for tensed muscles. DAXXIFY is carefully injected into these muscles to force them to relax, causing the skin to look smooth and youthful. 

DAXXIFY was created with innovative, groundbreaking Peptide Exchange Technology™. This technology stabilizes results, achieving longer-lasting rejuvenating effects. 

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How does DAXXIFY work?

Wrinkles are caused by repeated motions of the facial muscles. Every time we make a facial expression, such as a smile, frown, squint, yawn, or other, our facial muscles contract. These repeated contractions are the cause of wrinkles. 

DAXXIFY injections force these muscles to relax, achieving youthful-looking, smooth skin. The injections are carefully targeted to ensure that only specific muscles are addressed, leaving you the freedom to express yourself. 

DAXXIFY can be used as a preventative for younger patients who want to stop wrinkles from appearing. It is popularly used as a rejuvenation treatment for people who would like to reverse wrinkles and fine lines that have already formed. Patients who would like more of an overall rejuvenation, addressing more than wrinkles and lines, can pair DAXXIFY injections with dermal fillers.

Your DAXXIFY experience at Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery

DAXXIFY treatments are a short “lunchtime treatment.” The complete injection process takes only about 20-30 minutes. In the 24 hours before your injections, do not take aspirin or other blood-thinning medications, as these could lead to bruising. On the morning of your DAXXIFY treatment, do not put on makeup, face cream, or other products. We will cleanse the treatment area before we inject DAXXIFY into the specific muscles that are causing or could cause wrinkles to form. 

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Recovery after DAXXIFY injections

DAXXIFY involves no downtime or significant recovery period. You will be able to return to your usual activities and routine once the treatments are over. You may experience side effects of redness, some minimal swelling, or small red bumps in the treatment area. These will fade quickly. 

Other side effects may include flu-like symptoms, headache, bruising, temporary facial drooping or weakness, and others, but these are relatively rare. After your injections, do not massage or manipulate the treatment area for two days. During this time, do not expose yourself to extreme heat or direct sun. Do not drink alcohol or exercise heavily.

Longer-lasting DAXXIFY results  

Patients who have used neuromodulators before will notice DAXXIFY results within one or two days. Patients who are new to neuromodulators will see their results in about a week. Once the results appear, you will be able to enjoy smooth, youthful-looking skin and a refreshed appearance for six to nine months. These results last for three to five months longer than any other neuromodulator available today.

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Who is a candidate for DAXXIFY treatments?

Candidates for DAAXIFY treatments are for people who would like to smooth wrinkles and lines in the forehead or around the eyes. DAXXIFY is also a good treatment for those do not have wrinkles yet but would like to prevent wrinkles from appearing. Ideal candidates for DAXXIFY should meet the following requirements:

  • Are in good health
  • Are not nursing or pregnant
  • Have no rashes, infections, or outbreaks in the treatment area
  • Are not allergic to the ingredients of DAXXIFY
  • Do not have a history of neuromuscular disease

Why choose Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery for DAXXIFY treatments? 

Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery is known as a leading practice in the field of aesthetic medicine. We make it a point to stay at the cutting edge of medicine, ensuring that our patients have access to the most state-of-the-art, modern and safe treatments available. This is why we provide DAXXIFY for our patients who want to achieve a youthful appearance without a surgical treatment.

Our highly-trained injectors are skilled experts with experience using neuromodulators to smooth the skin and refresh your appearance. We use DAXXIFY with nuanced precision, injecting only the muscles that are causing wrinkles. This allows you to look fresh and youthful, yet very natural. Please call today to find out more about DAXXIFY treatments at Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery.

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