Surgeons and patients alike today know that a one-size-fits-all approach does not produce the most aesthetically pleasing results in cosmetic nasal surgery. This is why many ethnic patients across San Jose, San Mateo & San Francisco come to our team for some of the best rhinoplasty San Francisco can lay claim to.

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure in which the nose is altered to produce a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance in balance with the patient’s facial features, without losing the patient’s unique ethnic characteristics. Our team at Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery carefully customizes each San Francisco rhinoplasty procedure according to the patient’s wishes, simultaneously preserving cultural identity and improving overall appearance.

Why Patients Choose Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic surgery is an option that appeals to people of all ethnic backgrounds. Ethnic plastic surgery in general is on the rise, with ethnic rhinoplasty as one of the most commonly requested procedures today among Asians, African-Americans, Hispanics, and Latin Americans – both women and men.

Fortunately, Dr. Liu and his team's extensive experience has also given them additional insight into the physical differences between the male and female anatomy of the nose. Therefore, our team has been able to refine their techniques to provide better results from both female and male rhinoplasty.

In the past, the goal of ethnic rhinoplasty was to create a nose that was more Westernized in appearance. Times have changed, and many individuals today opt for subtle cosmetic enhancements that allow them to bring out their natural beauty while keeping their ethnic identity intact.

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Ethnic Differences in Rhinoplasty

Our San Francisco rhinoplasty performed on Caucasian patients often involves reducing the size of a nose that is too large, while ethnic rhinoplasty may involve a variety of different objectives.

Asian Rhinoplasty

Common nasal characteristics among people of Asian descent include round nostrils on a broad or wide nose that may have a flatter profile. Many of our Asian patients undergoing rhinoplasty want narrower nostrils, a more defined nasal bridge, and a more defined nasal tip. In some cases, our team can enhance the bridge and shape the tip of the nose by using cartilage from the patient’s ear or rib.

Latin or Hispanic Rhinoplasty

Many Hispanic noses carry traits of European, African-American, and indigenous people. There is a great of variation among Latin people in the bridge of the nose, which may be wide and flat, or Romanesque and pronounced. In patients of mixed ancestry, Dr. Liu and his team draw from extensive experience, in-depth understanding of facial anatomy, and an eye for aesthetics in determining the best nasal structure to balance the brow, eyes, cheekbones, mouth, and chin.

Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty

Our team of surgeons can custom-tailor a surgical treatment plan to craft a nose that flatters Middle Eastern features, depending on whether the patient is Persian, Arab, or Armenian, and that reflects the wishes of the patient. Many Middle Eastern patients may want to reduce a nasal hump or lift and refine the nasal tip. Others may wish to correct a bulbous appearance or a downturned or upturned tip, or reduce the size of a nose that is too large for the face. Our team can give the nose a more Westernized appearance, or maintain Middle Eastern features according to the patient’s preference.

African-American Rhinoplasty

A wide nasal bridge and wide or pronounced nostrils and a round nasal tip are common among people of African-American descent. Our team may focus on narrowing the nostrils and creating a more pronounced nasal bridge and a more defined nasal tip in Africa-American rhinoplasty, taking care to improve on the patient’s natural beauty while preserving ethnic identity.

Board-Certified Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Plastic surgery patients today insist on subtle, natural-looking results that preserve and compliment ethnic identity while enhancing natural beauty. At Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery, we fulfill these needs and strive to exceed our patients’ expectations. Dr. Liu and his team are board-certified plastic surgeons in San Francisco with impressive experience and training who bring passion, artistry, and integrity to their practice.

With their extensive background in reconstructive facial surgery, our team has mastered a wide range of advanced surgical techniques that make us leaders in ethnic rhinoplasty in San Francisco, whether it involves grafting bone or cartilage to create a more prominent bridge or narrowing a wide or bulbous nasal tip.

If you would like to improve the appearance of your nose without compromising your ethnic identity, schedule a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons for arguably the best rhinoplasty San Francisco has to offer. After a careful evaluation of your facial anatomy, he can recommend an ethnic rhinoplasty procedure custom-tailored specifically to suit your facial features and preferences.

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