Radiesse is a biocompatible, non-toxic, non-allergenic filler that has gained popularity due to its long-lasting effects that restore facial youthfulness for up to two years. Radiesse’s unique formula also stimulates collagen production, which leads to completely natural facial rejuvenation.

Illuminate the room Who is a candidate for Radiesse in San Jose / San Francisco?

Radiesse is the best treatment option for patients who are struggling with unsightly facial lines around the mouth and nose. Radiesse may also be used to improve the appearance of facial scars. Most San Francisco / San Jose Radiesse candidates are between 35 and 60. To learn more about your Radiesse candidacy, it is best to schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our San Francisco cosmetic surgeons.

How is Radiesse procedure performed?

The Radiesse filler is injected beneath the skin, following a comprehensive evaluation by our team who first carefully identifies the areas to be treated. Radiesse is generally administered in combination with local anesthesia to minimize a patient’s discomfort. This minimally invasive procedure generally lasts 15 to 30 minutes and the patient may leave the surgeon’s office almost immediately following treatment.

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Radiesse recovery process requires virtually no downtime. However, patients may experience some bruising and swelling at the injection site, which is generally treated with a cold compress and/or over-the-counter pain medication. Any discomfort generally disappears within 24 to 36 hours following treatment. Results usually become apparent within the next seven days and may last up to two years. Touch-up treatments may be necessary to maintain the benefits of this advanced wrinkle filler that has helped many San Francisco / San Jose patients temporarily diminish facial wrinkles.

Other Options

Minimally invasive wrinkle filers are one of many options for San Mateo / San Francisco plastic surgery patients who wish to restore their facial appearance and eliminate signs of aging. Our team performs a wide range of additional facial rejuvenation procedures, including laser skin resurfacing and BOTOX, as well as advanced surgical procedures such as facelift.

In fact, a number of Radiesse patients, return to Dr. Liu and his team for all their cosmetic needs, including body contouring procedures and mommy makeover in San Francisco, a unique, custom tailored treatment that combines a number of procedures to address the aesthetic needs of every woman following pregnancy.

A Word About Financing...

Radiesse can be made very affordable through our partners at CareCredit. Visit them at www.carecredit.com. We would be happy to answer any of your questions or assist you with the necessary paperwork.

Insurance Notes:

Vaser LipoSelection surgery is usually considered an aesthetic procedure and as such is not covered by insurance. Jasmine would be happy to assist you with any pre-certification if your insurance covers the procedure.

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