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As the only fifth generation FDA-approved breast implants, Sientra gummy bear breast implants afford patients a more natural look and feel than earlier-generation breast implants do. Because only exemplary, board-certified plastic surgeons have access to these revolutionary silicone gel breast implants in San Francisco and the Bay Area, our team is proud to offer them as a product available to use to make patients look as beautiful as they feel.

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What makes Sientra breast implants different from the rest?

Sientra breast implants are comprised of a form-stable, cohesive silicone gel, allowing the implants to retain their form whether a patient is standing upright or fully reclining. This is significant because it nearly eliminates any chance of rippling or folding of the breast implants within the shell. Additionally, Sientra gummy bear breast implants are leak resistant, even when twisted, stretched or sliced in half.

With Sientra gummy bear breast implants, patients get all the benefits of more natural-looking silicone gel implants without many of the safety concerns. Because Sientra breast implants are made of highly resilient, cohesive silicone gel, they more closely resemble natural breasts than any of their predecessors do. Sientra implants have the feel, shape and weight of natural breast tissue.

Benefits of Sientra breast implants

Dr. Liu and his team are renowned surgical providers of breast augmentation in San Francisco, San Jose and San Mateo, and are pleased to offer Sientra breast implants because they offer several advantages. Some of the benefits of Sientra breast implants include:

  • More natural-looking breast enhancement
  • Additional shape, size, and cohesivity choices for more customized results
  • Highest level of gel fracture resistance without the compromise of an overly firm implant

To find out more about Sientra’s unique benefits and properties, please contact the skilled staff at Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery at 650-249-3169.

In addition to offering several types of breast implants, our team also offers patients in San Francisco, San Jose and San Mateo breast lift, breast reduction and male breast reduction.

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